
Some of the choices we make in life have a lasting effect on both our loved ones and individuals for the remaining years of our lives. The two most significant choices we must make are selecting a life mate and a career. We must decide what career path we are going to pursue to sustain ourselves once we settle down on earth with our soul mate.

Let me first define a career before I go any further: According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a career is an occupation or a profession that typically requires specialised training or formal education.

Establishing a profession is among the most significant choices because formal education from high school and college as well as specialist training help us make the best choice. One can achieve financial security along with life security through these specialisations. Our professional choices shouldn't be shaped by what our parents or best buddy chose to do for a living.

The choice should depend upon our aptitude, skill, and the field in which we have a natural flair. Usually, children don't have the knowledge or exposure to make a wise choice. Here, the parent's advice becomes crucial in selecting subjects for higher secondary school. Most parents want their children to take up science and pursue a challenging career. The parents overlook the fact that the child has the interest or the aptitude to pursue it. Parents think a little bit of hard work and sincerity will help them secure good marks. What they fail to understand is that it's a lifelong decision that the child has to carry on his or her shoulders.

For a better understanding, let me use Sudha's example. Sudha, a bright student in standard 11, wanted to study the humanities since she was interested in English and history. Her parents' influence prompted her to pursue science. Science was regarded as a prominent field because everyone within their family had studied and pursued a career in this field. The humanities were seen as a straightforward discipline to pursue given Sudha's talent.

Parents will force their children to eliminate not only their child's interest but also their potential to grow. Things were done half-heartedly, neither assisting the child's development nor demonstrating her potential.

Parents are not foresighted, because it is a difficult decision to choose when a child drops out of school due to pressure or a lack of interest.

Changing the chosen stream in the middle is not only challenging, but it is also a waste of resources and time. Parents should always let their children make their own decisions. Parents are concerned that their children will make the wrong decision. In this case, the parents are overprotective and put pressure on the youngster to act with their wishes.

What can be done to ensure that the right decision is taken without jeopardising the future of the teenage student? Career counselling is the best line of action in this complex position. What precisely is career counselling?

Through career counselling, the school itself makes an effort to give students information about careers. It assists in directing students while taking into account their interests and the various academic streams. A professional path is chosen for the learner based on an analysis that helps them recognize their strengths and weaknesses.

We can select the career that is best for us with the aid of career counselling. We select a profession that aligns with our aptitude, expertise, interests, morals, and life objectives. Failure is virtually impossible, while success is assured. Performance is at its highest level.

Neel was an average student who wanted to study commerce but wasn't sure what he wanted to do with his life after that. His parents made the decision to take him to a career counsellor and were encouraging. He had a business interest, but an examination revealed that he also had qualities that made him a strong lecturer. He now teaches commerce as a professor at a reputable university. He is naturally talented at

Following career counselling, parents and students are certain of the career path to choose. Regarding careers, there is no longer any uncertainty. A pupil knows exactly what direction to go in and how to approach it. Finally, because there won't be as many difficulties with a career, life is much simpler for the student.


Riyah had a dusky complexion with shiny black hair. Her high cheekbone would close her small eyes whenever she smiled or laughed. Her lips were full and her big mouth showed her large teeth which she was not particularly fond of. Her husky voice gave her more compliments than her beautiful figure. This is how she looked when she was young, vivacious, and full of life.

Today when she is turning seventy-five she looks old with her wrinkled face and fine lines around her eyes. Once the black hair is now a mixture of grey and silver. Even at this age, she has not lost her charm or grace. The young talkative Riyah is now much of a listener.

Alone in her room sitting by the window she looks out; sees the children playing in the garden with their father;
takes her down memory lane.  She remembers how her father used to pamper her much to the envy of the elder brother, Sohail. Sohail would tease Riyah and spoil her mood,  but Daddy was always there to cheer her up.

Her elder sister would look after her more often than her mother. Mummy was exhausted by the time Riyah was born. Riya's responsibilities fell upon Zoya's shoulders. Zoya never complained about it, in fact, she was fond of Riyah and loved her very much.

The second sibling was also a girl, Yami; she was most of the time in her own world; not very expressive, and neither outgoing nor an extrovert like the other daughters of the family. Sohail, the third sibling,  is the boy of the household. This was Riyah's family.

Riyah remembers very clearly that it was her 4th birthday when she wanted to celebrate it and Daddy was refusing. It was the first time when she wished for something and Daddy had refused her. Again and again, Daddy was saying -
" It is not the right time, maybe next year."
Riyah also recalls daddy and mummy were very sad and so were the other family members. I could remember about 15 days ago everyone was very happy and excited. Excited to welcome a new member into the family.

One-night mummy was in great pain and was taken to the hospital. The next morning Zoya took me to the hospital to visit Mummy as it was a Sunday. Zoya dressed me and plaited my hair neatly. I had not seen Mummy since the previous night and I was very excited to meet her. Zoya was saying -
" It's a boy!"
We all were very happy except Sohail. Sohail was not particularly excited as he thought now no one would love him as a new brother had come to the family.

Daddy was as always loving and gentle told him-
" Everyone loves you and will love your younger brother."
I was engrossed in my world to comprehend anything.

In the hospital, I saw Mummy. She was pale and frail lying on the bed. When she saw me she gestured me to come near her. She pulled my hands from my side and kissed it and I kissed on her cheek. I asked her when she was going to return home, and she only said -
Zoya was holding a small baby in her arms and spoke softly -
" Look! Who has come to meet you... Riyah, see this is our younger brother."
Standing there it dawned to me that mummy had come to the hospital to fetch a baby. A bell rang at a distance and it was time to go home. We were returning home without mummy and the baby. They said mummy would return home in a few days. Tears rolled down my cheek as I bid them goodbye.

Later in the night, there was chaos in the house. It was the weeping of Yami that woke me. Daddy was frantically trying to wear his shirt. Zoya was calling her uncle to come home immediately. That is all I saw, my eyes closed and I went to sleep again.

The next morning mummy was discharged from the hospital. When I returned home from school I did not see the baby. Mummy was weak and her eyes were swollen. I went next to her bed and asked her about the baby. She said -
"Baby is unwell so he is still at the hospital."
I saw silent big tears dropping from the corner of her eyes staining the pillow. Yami took me to the other room, asked me not to disturb Mummy, and let her rest.  I took the liberty and asked her -
"Where is the baby? What happened to him... when will he return home....!"
Yami informed me that-
" Baby was on oxygen as he had developed some complications.  It will take a few days for him to return home."

In the evening when Daddy returned from work was having some serious conversation. I overheard Daddy saying that-
" such a small baby and he has to suffer so much. Pipes have been inserted in his nostrils and needles injected into his tiny wrist. I cannot see him suffer."
Mummy and Daddy were crying silently. The doctors had told Daddy that it will not be good to keep him on oxygen for long. Their expert opinion was to remove oxygen and see what happened. Daddy was asking Mummy's opinion as to what to do.
Young that I was I knew they were discussing a serious matter which made them sad. The next day when I returned from school, I saw, the house was full of women grieving.  My uncle, aunt, and cousins all had swollen eyes and they looked very sad. Zoya came to me and took the bag off my shoulder. I whispered to her -
"What happened ....  the baby?"
Zoya suppressed her cry and told me
"The baby is no more!"
I quietly went to mummy put my head on her lap, cried, and don't know when I went off to sleep.

Does anyone know the theory of half glass full


As the youngest kid, I was never given any responsibility for the family. I spent my free time playing, learning, and reading books, m...