Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label woman. Show all posts

Beautiful Hair.

It is every woman's dream to have beautiful hair be it a little girl to an old woman. All they all yearn is to have smooth silky shiny hair. Some are lucky who are born with beautiful hair while some use hair products to fulfill their dream. In this blog, I am going to share the simple basic treatment of hair to make your hair beautiful. The grandma's old therapy of oiling the should be a ritual to be followed always but with a modern twist. Warm oil of your choice and apply to the scalps. Oiled hair should be kept overnight. Due to pollution do not keep your oiled hair more than a few hours or overnight that as oil attracts dust and makes the oil hard to clean. Message the oil gently by your fingertips. Followed by oiling turban therapy should be done. Now, what is a turban therapy? Take a towel soak in warm water and fold your hair in the towel. Keep it as long as you feel the warmth and repeat it 3-4 times. Shampoo your hair after 2 hours. It is best to do this whole ritual during the weekend. The result of your hair will be... Smooth tangle free bouncy hair. Please share your experience in the comment section. The above therapy should be followed by ladies of all hair types. Even oily hair requires nourishment. I composed this blog so that the basic hair care is reached many. Maybe my next blog would be for Normal Hair Care Regime...till then happy reading.

Does anyone know the theory of half glass full


As the youngest kid, I was never given any responsibility for the family. I spent my free time playing, learning, and reading books, m...