Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

In Pursue

Females are an emotional lot of fools .. helpless ...wrenched souls the mercy of their lovers...  That's how God created them.
Polls apart but bonded by Love.. for the females emotional, spiritual, mental bond of love ... and for males physical form of love.
Females want their emotional needs to be quenched. To fulfill their desires, if they chase them ..they don't know where it shall take them...
Unable to quench their thirst, they do not feel complete ... something is missing... it seems .. an emptiness that overpowers them... But then, slowly, they come to reality and take control of their inner being.
The woman in her is emotionally thirsty.. always buried in thought about how and when shall she feel complete.... always fighting a battle within her whether should she chase her desires or should she let them die.. deep inside her heart she knows these feelings shall evaporate ..after some time...only to condense and resurface much stronger.
Always in this conflict, she lives her life .. perfecting her various roles in life . .. And from time to time her feelings ebbing and pouring...
Pls, read and post your views in the comment section.

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As the youngest kid, I was never given any responsibility for the family. I spent my free time playing, learning, and reading books, m...