Showing posts with label accomplish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label accomplish. Show all posts


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I have not written anything in a while. I've been busy with children, charity work, and some domestic chores. I'd been intending to write for a long, but I just couldn't make the time. Though I didn't have anything substantial to write down, I had numerous subject ideas swirling around in my thoughts. I want to accomplish something today. I woke up feeling refreshed and energised, therefore I should take advantage of the day. I want to do something modest today that will also make me feel good about myself.

Breaking world or national records or becoming instantaneously recognised and popular are not prerequisites for something to be considered accomplished. Being more prosperous and successful than your competition is a fantastic accomplishment. However, even before I take over the world, I must battle the monsters within me and achieve feats I would never dare to imagine.

To me, success involves doing something that I haven't been able to do before. On a personal level, I don't define success by defeating others; rather, I define success by getting past my flaws, my concerns, and myself. My accomplishments and victories don't have to involve overcoming challenges or showcasing my strength or stamina. This achievement can be overcoming my emotional or mental obstacles to succeed against myself on a personal level. My time with the psychologist is about to come to an end. It has been quite beneficial to me. I have a clean head, a positive attitude, and I'm busy. I feel accomplished after doing this.

When I thought about a coworker in the office, these ideas came to me. She constantly had a shaky, anxious appearance. I yearned to question her about this kind of conduct. She never spoke to anyone in particular and always stayed to herself. For her, going to the boss's office was the worst possible scenario. Because of her anxiety, she can make a mistake at his office. The boss would yell at her and correct her as a result. She made an effort to manage her anxiousness, but she was unsuccessful. As a newcomer, she was nervous but then as time passed and got used to the new surrounding she was best in her field.

For me, it's the same. I used to doubt myself and stop believing in myself. I would wake up every morning with some kind of physical discomfort. I experienced headaches frequently, fevers sporadically, and high acidity. Back when I was struggling, I had already overcome my feelings of hopelessness. I had problems concentrating. I've made a gradual effort to train my mind to be less sensitive to small setbacks. I have become more composed and can maintain my composure in most situations. I don't evaluate my successes as those of others because only I am aware of the challenges and how I overcome them.

There are no too-big or too-minor tasks. By comparing ourselves to others, we diminish ourselves. We need to be more kind to ourselves than we usually are. Success is proof of a person's worth, both in their own eyes and in the eyes of others.

Does anyone know the theory of half glass full


As the youngest kid, I was never given any responsibility for the family. I spent my free time playing, learning, and reading books, m...