Showing posts with label silky shiny hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label silky shiny hair. Show all posts

Hair Type

Hello friends, in this blog I shall share with you how to manage frizzy dry rough hair. Before I begin I want to announce to my readers please put up your queries in the comment section I shall surely attend them . Basically, frizzy hair is dry. It is very difficult to manage it as it gets entangled easily and lacks natural oil and moisture in it. My previous blog on oiling and turban therapy will not completely solve your problem. Frizzy hair needs special treatment. You have to make a hair pack - apply-leave for some time -rinse and shampoo. Hair pack for frizzy dry hair- take some curd smashed banana and an egg, mix them up apply. It is a little messy and smelly cause of the eggs but the pain pays you bountifully for your labor. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off. Shampoo it thoroughly. If you have dandruff then add a lemon to the above pack. Sourness help to get rid of dandruff. If your hair is oily to normal hair and you also have dandruff in your hair make the following hair pack. 2 tbsp of henna powder, 2 tsp of curd, juice of a lemon. Mix well and if required add water. Make a paste of it and apply it. Leave it for about 45-60 minutes, rinse and shampoo. If you have dry hair do not use henna as henna has a drying effect. People with oily hair can use henna as a conditioner. Henna is a good conditioner as well as it promotes hair growth. If your hair is falling excessively then make an oil mixture at home and apply once a week before shampoo. Take 1 part castor oil, 1 part almond oil and 2 parts coconut oil..heat it and add fenugreek seeds to it. Let the oil cool and then drain and store. Use it and see the difference in your hair. Thank you, everyone, for your support for taking the time to read my blog. Please comment and share your experience... Not to forget to share with friends and family.

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As the youngest kid, I was never given any responsibility for the family. I spent my free time playing, learning, and reading books, m...